Mataora is the name of a traditional Maori tattoo that is reserved for people of Maori descent only. To receive a facial Mataora is considered as significant as a ‘rebirth’ or ‘new beginning’.

Mataora can be an excruciating procedure given the sensitive skin and nerve endings on the face. To prepare for his Mataora, Mapu bathed in the sea to ensure his ‘wairua’ or ‘spirit’ was calm and focused. During the tattoo, Mapu felt the presence of his ancestors surrounding him, giving Mapu the strength to endure the ritual.

Mapu noted that he felt no pain as he had been preparing himself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for some time.

Days after having received his Mataora Mapu said that he felt awakened and he was blessed to have shared this journey with his ‘tupuna’ or ‘ancestors’, his iwi and his family.


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